This is a twist on a classic dish, with some typical Puerto Rican flavors and a fabulously delicious homemade tomato-based sauce. The time it takes to...
This is one of my mother's excellent Asian recipes. These spare ribs are marinated in light and dark soy sauce, orange juice, garlic, and peppercorn, then...
Stuffed cabbage rolls are very popular in Russia and are a staple in people's diet, especially during the winter months. This version is stuffed with rice...
Ultramoist and rich brownies are infused with stout beer and topped with creamy a Baileys Irish Cream® dark chocolate ganache. Perfect for St. Patrick's...
This is a great baklava recipe I've developed after eating many different types and styles of baklava. It's certainly worth the time it takes and makes...
Pork gyro meat is made simple with the help of your Instant Pot® or other multi-functional pressure cooker. Serve in pita bread topped with hummus, sliced...
My girlfriend and I were craving pad Thai! So we looked at a few recipes and made our version. It is not exactly traditional pad Thai, so -- lo and behold...
An amazing ethnic exotic Persian dish. Incredibly easy to make. Crowd pleaser. A lot of oil will come to the top of the dish. Don't worry, this is normal....
I make this for Meatless (lacto-ovo) Monday Meals. It is a big hit! The flavor profile is complex and savory and you can add a dash of hot sauce to spice...
Impress your friends with this classic Middle Eastern dish which can be spiced up or toned down according to preference. Great for chilly autumn or winter...
Calve's liver may be an acquired taste, but do not reject it with too much haste; new cooking adventures rarely go to waste...this dish hails from Spain....
These make a lovely cookie for Valentine's Day. NOTE: Rose water is not strong enough flavoring. Be sure to use rose fluid, available from many drugstores....
My family wasn't that thrilled with the taste of turkey burgers and I was watching my intake of beef. I started experimenting with ground chicken in my...
This is so yummy. I was hesitant at first because of the soup ingredients, but I have made it many time since and everyone raves! I have used reduced fat...
You can use pretty much any combination of vegetables in this veggie curry dish. With the help of store-bought red Thai curry sauce, this is a fast, easy,...
This spicy and sweet shredded chicken can be used in many different Mexican dishes. I love it on crunchy tostadas. This is a great recipe to make ahead...
Brightly colored vegetables with a tamarind, ginger, and garlic sauce are tossed with baked tofu triangles and served over bi-colored soba noodles with...
You are hungry, you don't have a lot of ingredients, but you have cottage cheese. If that's the case, then try this super fast recipe with as few ingredients...
I have loved paella since the first time I tried it while traveling through Spain at 17. Though I could never make it as great as my friend's mom in Madrid,...
I've tried those make-your-own ramen seasoning recipes, but they taste nothing like ramen in my opinion. This recipe hits the spot, and there is no MSG...
Rassolnik is my husband's favorite soup. It is usually prepared with meat but because almost everyone in my family is vegetarian, I make it with mushrooms...
A wonderful, rich, thick drink. Like a cross between hot cocoa and pudding. Can never remember my tweaks to this recipe, so decided to post it. Officially...
I know these are bars and not cutouts, but they taste just as good! The Linzer Cookie is a family of cookies that are varied enough to include cocoa in...
This is a recipe handed down from my Sicilian grandmother. Each family has their own way of baking the Easter Pie in the Old Country, and with our family...
If you are intimidated by the idea of making rasgullas at home, please do not be any longer. I was too, until one day I tried it and realized I was worried...
This popular Thai noodle dish has a delicate balance of spicy, sweet, salty, and sour flavors. This recipe is based on a traditional Bangkok-style version...